
Store Categories
Seeds [3511]
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 Annual & Biennial [382]
 Beds and borders [225]
 Biennial [54]
 Bonsai seeds [205]
 Cacti & Succulents [0]
 Cactus seeds [860]
  Collection starter [6]
  Acanthocalycium [11]
  Ancistrocactus [6]
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  Armatocereus [6]
  Arrojadoa [5]
  Arthrocereus [1]
  Astrophytum [60]
  Aztekium [7]
  Blossfeldia [5]
  Browningia [4]
  Cereus [9]
  Cleistocactus [15]
  Copiapoa [15]
  Corryocactus [4]
  Coryphantha [13]
  Cumulopuntia [3]
  Denmoza [8]
  Echinocactus [4]
  Echinocereus [73]
  Echinomastus [9]
  Echinopsis [36]
  Epithelantha [9]
  Eriosyce [96]
  Escobaria [10]
  Espostoa [8]
  Eulychnia [6]
  Ferocactus [1]
  Frailea [11]
  Glandulicactus [5]
  Gymnocactus [8]
  Gymnocalycium [39]
  Haageocereus [5]
  Horridocactus [2]
  Lemaireocereus [5]
  Leuchtenbergia [1]
  Lobivia [123]
  Lophophora [4]
  Loxanthocereus [7]
  Maihuenia [5]
  Maihueniopsis [8]
  Mammillaria [28]
  Matucana [5]
  Melocactus [6]
  Micranthocereus [1]
  Neobuxbaumia [2]
  Neolloydia [3]
  Neoporteria [3]
  Notocactus [8]
  Opuntia [4]
  Oreocereus [1]
  Oroya [3]
  Parodia [7]
  Pediocactus [1]
  Pelecyphora [2]
  Pierrebraunia [2]
  Pyrrhocactus [2]
  Rebutia [13]
  Selenicereus [1]
  Setiechinopsis [1]
  Soehrensia [1]
  Stenocactus [8]
  Strombocactus [1]
  Sulcorebutia [5]
  Tephrocactus [1]
  Thelocactus [4]
  Trichocereus [4]
  Tunilla [1]
  Turbinicarpus [1]
  Weberbauerocereus [3]
 Chilli seeds [14]
 Flower mixes [14]
 Herbs [144]
 Ornamental Grasses [20]
 Other [136]
 Perennials [419]
 Rockery Plants [90]
 Special Mixes [4]
 Sprouting seeds [36]
 Succulent seeds [1]
  Agave [1]
 Trailing [72]
 Trees [216]
 Vegetable [925]
 Vines & Climbers [44]
 Wild flowers [12]

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Barbie [11]

Playing Cards [3254]

Hungaricum [61]

Rubik'Shop [27]

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Jigsaws Puzzles [94]

3D Puzzle Construction Set [71]

Wooden Puzzle [66]

Wooden Name [889]

Halas Lace - Halasi Csipke [98]

Matyo hand embroidered [170]

Girls' Names [0]

Leather Crafts [33]

LEGO [598]

Seeds -> Cactus seeds -> Melocactus

 <   1   > 
Cactus - Melocactus
Cactus - Melocactus
Cactus - Melocactus
Cactus - Melocactus
Cactus - Melocactus
Cactus - Melocactus
 <   1   > 
Last purchases
2024.07.27. 10:28:16Vegetable 100 seeds from bonsai_seeds - Purple Green Red Yellow
2024.07.27. 10:17:50„Irma” wooden name plaque for walls or doors
2024.07.27. 10:07:35„Leonie” wooden name plaque for walls or doors
2024.07.27. 09:57:25Cactus - Lobivia marsoneri MN 169 (Iturbe, Arg) - 20 Seeds
2024.07.27. 09:46:57„Bethany” wooden name plaque for walls or doors
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:email
Cart & info:
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